Portes grátis para compras superiores a 25€*


After placing an order on our website, the user will receive a copy of the same order by email. The user must verify that all the data is correct and if any error is found you should contact us as soon as possible through the email [email protected].

Although all articles on the site are available for sale, there are extraordinary situations over which we do not have full control that can prevent us from satisfying an order that has been placed. Thus, a sales agreement between a registered user and the trademark starts only after the first one has received an e-mail message confirming the sending of the respective order.

In case the article (s) exhaust, Expolandia, Lda undertakes to inform the user and to reimburse it of the amounts that he may have paid within a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date of knowledge of such unavailability and their request by the user.

In partnership with companies such as CTT Expresso, Chronopost and DHL the site makes deliveries around the world. Shipments are made from Portugal and all charges and costs related to customs duties and taxes are the sole responsibility of the buyer. Shipping costs vary depending on the country of destination and the order amount.

Chronopost submissions are made to the pick point selected by the customer. Pick me points are points where you can pick up your order more easily, in a wider schedule, including weekends. Take the survey in a maximum period of 10 days, being accompanied by the Identity Card or Citizen Card.

CTT shipments are delivered to the postal address indicated by the customer. If delivery is not possible due to the absence of the recipient, the order will be sent to the CTT Post of the indicated delivery address area. In these situations, you must pick it up, within the deadline indicated in the notice left by the courier, being accompanied by the Identity Card or Citizen's Card.

For shipments made to Continental Portugal delivery is made within a period of 3 to 6 business days after shipment. For shipments made to Madeira and Azores the delivery is made within a period of up to 9 working days after shipment. For shipments made to the rest of the world the order of delivery can go up to 10 business days after shipping. There may be exceptions to this rule during campaigns (see Campaigns).

* For purchases of €25,00 or more, shipping costs are free to mainland Portugal and Islands. For purchases of less than €25,00 they are charged to Portugal and Islands. For deliveries abroad, shipping costs are calculated based on DHL service.


Portugal Continental and Islands
  < 25,00€ >= 25,00€  
CTT  4,00€ 0,00€  
Chronopost 4,00€ 0,00€  
Standard Portugal Islands
  < 25,00€ >= 25,00€  
CTT 4,00€ 0,00€  
  <= 2,50 Kg 2,50 Kg < 5,00 Kg > 5,00 Kg
Europa 10,00€ 15,00€ 25,00€
Resto do Mundo 40,00€ 60,00€ 100,00€

If you do not receive your order within a maximum period of 15 days you should contact us at [email protected].


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